Monday, March 2, 2015

The Testing By Joelle Charbonneau

              This book is a trilogy written by Joelle Charbonneau which is a book about a world that has suffered the consequences of seven stages of war. It is up the next generation to fix the damages . But it is not the entire generation which fixes the damages you have to be in an elite group to have the privilege to fix the the damages that the seven stages of war have left over. This elite group is the only group of kids that will have a chance at college and a rewarding career. A girl is chosen to be part of the elite group her name is Cia Vale. Cia is excited to prove herself to the colleges , but when she is on the verge of leaving her father is telling her to be careful and to trust no one. Cia is becoming doubtful but with Tomas by her side she feels more confident.
           Cia is loyal. Ever since she was little all she wanted to do was follow her fathers footsteps and go to the same college as he did because even as she was growing up she showed many characteristics as her father so when she is chosen for the elite group she is completely and utterly ecstatic. When the testing begins her father tells her to be careful she does just that but when the testing begins pushing her endurance and her emotional state, she begins to struggle but in the end she come through.

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